
« Brant, Sebastian Brastberger, Immanuel Gottlob Brastow, Lewis Orsmond »

Brastberger, Immanuel Gottlob

BRASTBERGER, IMMANUEL GOTTLOB: Popular German preacher; b. at Sulz (40 m. s.w. of Stuttgart), Württemberg, 1716; d. July 13, 1764, as Spezialsuperintendent at Nürtingen. His sermons on the Gospels, Evangelische Zeugnisse der Wahrheit zur Aufmunterung im wahren Christenthum (Stuttgart, 1758) are still read, the eighty-fifth edition having appeared at Reutlingen in 1883, and a translation into Polish in 1905.

« Brant, Sebastian Brastberger, Immanuel Gottlob Brastow, Lewis Orsmond »
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